Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Sound of Life in Mushishi

Mushishi - Can you hear?

Can you hear?

In my first foray into the wonderful enchanting world of Mushishi, I was treated to a very rare instance of deafness in anime. In episode 3 of Mushishi, Tender Horns (sub here or dub here), we delve into the concept of sound and silence along with a hint of a fascinating biological theme. Naturally, I have a great deal of interest in this episode and thus shall explore this lulling sublime story about a boy and his mother.

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Filed under Anime, Editorials, Mushishi, Quietude in Anime

Learn and Know When to Stop


This will be a very different and drastic post than the usual. Why? Because pride was at stake here and unwanted terrible memories flashed back for me. I refer to a Twitter drama conflict that took place recently in which I intervened of my accord, and the cause of all this was just one guy expressing himself. Since then, I’ve begun to have sleepless nights and greater stress in daytime, though I’m beginning to mellow down a bit now just writing this post. I am writing this as a neutral mediator who stopped this conflict by myself, and I wish to share my personal thoughts with you. I am not holding anything against anyone; that’s just life. Because this is a very sensitive ordeal (at least for me), I will not be naming anyone and I shall refer to the aforementioned guy as “John” for anonymity’s sake.

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Filed under Other, Personal

Chronological Record #3 ~ Time Waits For No One

Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo

Time is a strange, finicky thing. Time is a one-way route with no way of turning back. Therefore, time is precious to those of us who wish to live our lives to the fullest. And this is especially no exception to anime fans with a myriad of anime series begging to weave their stories and pander to us. So how does one manage time efficiently with anime and real life? Kai from deluscar has proposed and invited me to join the Anime Time Management project, which is great timing for me to explain my current situation.

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Filed under Anime, Chronological Records, Other, Personal