Category Archives: Nichijou

Nichijou ~ Has KyoAni Come Up With a Great Series Again?

In my rush to get out my thoughts about the latest episode of Mawaru Penguindrum, I completely forgot to mention some minor changes to my site. First, you’ll notice that I’ve added four new banners in addition to two older banners to my site since they were just too good and very fitting of my site to pass up. You’ll also notice that I’ve changed the Flickr widget, so now you can conveniently view my photos in a slideshow without having to go straight to my Flickr photostream (I finally found a way to get around the no-Flash-allowed policy). I’ll admit that I haven’t been able to take more photos lately due to college, but this is still a nice change for my site. Also, I’ve updated my Recommendations, this time adding a separate page for anime movies and OVAs. Check it out if you’d like. Links have also been updated as well, with the addition of some new and veteran blogs that I have been very fortunate to discover! So with all the update announcements done and over with, it’s time to move onto another series up for review (albeit admittedly late…).

Nichijou opening title

Next up in a series of seasonal anime finales, we now turn to Nichijou, a comedy, slice-of-life, school-life anime produced by famed Kyoto Animation. Nichijou is actually a difficult series to describe fully, as it has so many various wacky, random comedic acts. But at the core of the series, it focuses on the characters, most notably Aioi Yuuko, Naganohara Mio, Minakami Mai, Shinonome Nano, Professor, and Sakamoto.

While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot’s arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn’t study for.

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Filed under Anime, Nichijou, Reviews